phew... finally the crazy midterm phase is over... i'm so tired.
well...since i started this blog to write about, love life, so to speak... i guess that's what i should talk about. but i really don't know what to say.
yes i have a boyfriend who's totally hot like Ashton Kutcher, so that must mean i am blissfully happy or, usually Elizabeth Bennet's term, completely, perfectly and incandescently happy. and i suppose i am?
it's just...well, we had some issues lately, in the physical department. i kinda feel like we're moving too far too fast...for me, making out is already a really intimate thing. but him, he wants to go further.
in fact, recently he made a couple of attempts to take our relationship to a deeper level, which i'm not really ready for. i mean...well, in my fairytale story, i was going to give my first time on my wedding night...not in the backseats of a car on a Friday night. but...he desires sth different than what i want.
if you, dear reader, are reading this and care about me...can you please PLEASE tell me what i should do. i'm really confused right now... should i just give in and make him happy???.. or risk screwing up this awesome once in a lifetime chance relationship???..
i don't know what i should do...