Tuesday, September 29, 2009
HE ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the happiest day of my life!!!
So here's what happened:
I ran into him at Buchanan today, I was having lunch and he was skipping class, so we started chatting. Near the end of our conversation, he brought up the subject that chocolate desserts are essential for the changing of seasons into autumn, something about helping to adjust. (never heard that theory before!) But anyway he asked me whether I'd like to try this amazing dessert place with him sometime!!!! I am so shocked that I could only afford to nod but running away!!!!
We are going on a date!!!!!
And you know what's going to happen next??? We are going to fall in love within the first week, kiss on the third date, get engaged within 3 months, married within a year, and live happily ever after!!!!!
.. well maybe not that fast. But I totally know that he's the love of my life, my soulmate, my other half, my fairytale prince!!!!
gosh..what should I wear???????
Friday, September 25, 2009
I guess you guys may start to get a bit bored reading about me blahing about my crush, so I will refrain from it for a bit.
I found this really sweet video, it’s related to this movie I really really really want to watch (preferably with you-know-who), “500 days of summer”. Has anyone watched the movie yet???? is it good????? anyway it’s such a cute video, just want to share it with you guys.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
new dress~

I’m going to wear it to the start-of-term dinner tomorrow!!!!!
yeah the neckline is kinda low and when my ma saw it she said it’s too revealing so I have to change into it after I leave the house…but how else is he going to notice me and want ME???
besides, I like the attention I get when I wear dresses like that, guys are just nicer to me and friendlier, it makes me feel attractive and confident. so who cares if I show off a bit more..?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Have the flu…been sneezing & coughing all day, so I didn’t go to class today.
Instead, I had my mini chick flick marathon ~ 13 going on 30, He’s just not that into you, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Pride & Prejudice, Devil wears Prada…
Yep, that’s my accomplishment of the day, aww-ing and laughing at those awesome love stories, while wishing that I can have my own fairytale..
I mean.. it’s possible he likes me, right?
Fav quote of the week: It’s the story of life. Boy meets girl. Boy gets stupid. Boy and girl live stupidly ever after.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Chapter 2
I usually take the 49 bus from Metrotown to UBC and guess what??!!!! He got on the bus on Oak street!!!! We talked and talked and talked...it was the shortest bus ride ever but also the sweetest, so happy!!!

When we were talking, I can't help but notice his lips look so soft and he has the nicest skin I've ever seen on a guy. If we were totally alone instead of in a crowded bus.. or if he was unconscious (fainted maybe?), then I may have the nerve to touch that pretty skin of his...hmm.. that should be nice...
Btw I am totally not what my friend said I am. Today I was gushing to my friend (whose name I will not disclose) my story of the day (read above if you hv no clue what I am saying), and I was getting so excited about the whole thing.. and guess what she said to me..
wth.. apparently I shouldn't fantasize about dudes and be all obsessed with the physical stuff... that it's not appropriate to see guys as “objects” or whatever.
um.. seriously??? if guys can say to us “nice rack” and all those stuff, well then WHY CAN'T I?? what about all those talk about equality and rights???
so don't worry, my dear readers, it's not like I'm going to listen to my friend, so please stay tune for more juicy details on my gorgeous crush.
‘cause I mean.. you don’t think I’m being inappropriate, do you?????
Gosh I am serious he is so nice to look at~
picture source: flickr
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
diary of the girl next door

I have a crush on this guy.
A good friend of mine, just this really really really great guy, smart, funny, just all the good qualities stuffed into one person. But uh, I'm pretty sure he's not interested.
I saw him again today at a friend's birthday dinner. To prepare for the dinner, or to prepare my rendez-vous with him (whichever reason you think is more appropriate), I spent so much time finding the perfect top that shows just the right amount of skin and focuses on all the flattering parts of me.
He smiled at me three times during time. I swear he looked so much like Ashton Kutcher when his whole face smiles.
No I'm not obsessed with him. Of course I haven't dream of us being together, or us in any scenarios like the old cliché Titanic pose….but I imagine he should be a good dancer, so maybe someday we can re-enact that dancing on the street scene from the Notebook???????? Or that scene from Pretty Woman…??? Hmm…
And…I haven't witnessed this yet, but I'm pretty sure he has a nice body.
OMG I can't believe I just wrote all that on a blog...whatever..