ok, alright, this is it.
from what happened last night, i see two paths for me to choose..
give in, or give up.
he was really disappointed & upset yesterday, ok?..when i stopped him just before..
and he kept ranting about how i don´t love him enough, that if i really care about him i would just do it, that he has needs and he really wants me.. and how i´m the one person he wants to be with and he never felt that way before.. and this is the right thing to do since we´re a couple..and that everyone else is doing it...and he really wants to take our relationship to a next step, a deeper relationship stuff..
i´m really scared. to be honest, i don´t really want to, i mean...ever since i learned about sex i´ve always planned to do it on my wedding night and just waiting for my very own mr. darcy. but at the same time, i really really like him and i know if i don´t give in soon, i´d hv to give him up.
ohohoh and this girl in my study group was telling me about this christian club she´s in where they are talking about sexual purity & stuff, how according to the bible we shouldn´t hv sex before marriage & stuff. omg so does this mean if i do it right now i´ll burn in h*ll??!!?? but sexual purity??????? it sounds cheesy, like jonas brothers´promise ring.
give in,
give up?